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Company Profile

AES Innovation R&D Consulting Industry and Commerce Ltd. Co. Tax Office: IRMAK VERGI DAIRESI MUD. MERSIS No: 0008146562700001 TIN: 0081465627
Bank Information T.C. ZIRAAT BANKASI – KIRIKKALE ŞUBESI SWIFT CODE : TCZBTR2A IBAN (TL) : TR910001000316886250795001 IBAN (USD): TR640001000316886250795002  About AES


As AES Innovation, the aims of our career and development activities intended to our employees are to identify needs in the areas which should be developed and to do necessary training programs according to meet with needs. By these activities, the performance of both our company and employees are supported positively.Due to the sector which we carry on our services as company, we provide services for all other private companies, public institutions and civil organizations. We offer to our employees the chance of obtaining qualifications recognized throughout the sector as a part of our company.In addition, we encourage all of our employees for the development in the framework of our main competences which are defined in accordance with our vision, mission and values.If you want to be a member of our team, you can send your CV to for the application. 

Our Values

As AES Innovation, the basis of our corporate philosophy is to adhere to the highest standards in terms of timely service, honesty, transparency, and ethical principles. In addition, it is among our main duties to keep our business relations with our customers at the highest level, closely follow the developments in the sector and ensure that our customers are prepared in advance for the problems they may encounter.We aim to increase the competitiveness of our customers in the national/international arena with our leading solution partners, expert and experienced professional staff.Our PurposeAES Innovation delivers Advanced Solutions.We underpin Turkey and global quality infrastructure with our independence and expertise, creating trust and confidence in the products and services we all rely upon.Our VisionTo be the Turkish reliable accredited body, recognized and respected for the development and delivery of engineering services for the benefit of society now and in the future.Our MissionOur mission is to build a world of trust and confidence in the products and services underpins working alongside our customers and in collaboration with local regulations and key stakeholders.Our EthosIn all that we do, we are committed to the highest levels of quality and service. We are dedicated to working with integrity and responsibility to ensure we accomplish our role as the Turkish Accredited Body. Our ethos is to:
  • put the health and safety of our staff and contractors first;
  • serve society and work in the public interest;
  • uphold quality and technical excellence throughout all areas of accreditation;
  • be aware of and aim to reduce our impact on the environment;
  • work collaboratively with customers, stakeholders and Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Devleti;
  • create consistency and mutual recognition with our international partners;
  • be independent, and act with impartiality;
  • be ambitious in expanding the frontiers of accreditation;
  • be self-financing and operate on a ‘not-for profit’ basis;
continually reinvest to ensure the national benefits from the most competent, knowledgeable, and comprehensive national accreditation service possible.Our Strategic PrioritiesTo deliver this Vision, Mission and Values we will focus on five core strategic priorities:
  • To excel in areas of technical expertise and service
  • To be agile, enabling the organization to adapt and innovate
  • To be perceptive in developing talent and building knowledge
  • To deliver financial stability and productivity
  • To be respected and recognized as Turkey’s accredited body
Our ValuesThe growth and diversification of AES Innovation have been built on core values that have underpinned our activities for many years.These values are Professionalism, Respect, Integrity, Dedication, and Excellence, forming the acronym: PRIDE.These values set us apart from other organizations, requiring that we think and act differently, resulting in a clearly defined AES Innovation brand that is highly respected in the marketplace. They are imprinted in our DNA, making us who we are today and setting the foundation for the AES Innovation of the future.If these values resonate with you, then do visit our Careers section to find out about current opportunities.

About Us

AES Innovation was established by a group of engineers who undertook different positions in the industry for many years (15+) to produce Advanced Engineering Solutions. Its main field of activity is energy, software, vibration, accreditation, consultancy and analysis services.

AES, produces affordable solutions

In the focus of the solutions offered by AES; with the optimizations and analysis made in the institutions served, the expenses of the institution are reduced or the resources are used efficiently.

AES, is customer oriented

Before providing a service, AES holds a problem analysis assessment meeting with its customer, suggests alternative solutions and solves the problem with an engineering approach in line with customer requests.

AES, speaks to data

There are verifiable data behind the solutions produced by AES. It analyzes the data, solutions and presents to the customer with detailed reports.

AES constantly learns

AES ‘expert staff and academics with support continuously monitor current standards, regulations and software, evaluate and inform its customers.


Teknopark Office : Yenişehir Mah. Ulubatlı Sok. KKÜ Teknopark 1.Ar-Ge Binası No:30/24 Yahşihan / KIRIKKALE

Phone: +90 850 532 7189
